Imagine life in full colour.
We are a local church in and for the Three Mills area of Stratford. For us, church isn't about buildings and religion, but real community, a place of extravagant welcome where the story of Jesus is genuinely good news for all.
We'd love you to join in with us.
On Sundays at 11am we gather together as community to inspire, encourage and grow together. All are welcome and there is no pressure to join in with anything you might be uncomfortable with
We meet at the House Mill on Three Mill Lane, just above the cafe. We'd love to see you there. Click below for more details!
Stop by our Community Cafe and Warm Space, on Thursday mornings in term time, in the Community Room at School 360.
Tea, Coffee, Toast and Pastries (free or by donation). Space to chat, connect or just sit. Area for babies and toddlers to play.
Also hosting our local food share - pick up a bag of shopping for a pound.
We're passionate about all ages being family together, having something to contribute and learning and growing together. Children play a crucial role in our Sunday gatherings but we also connect with local families through our monthly 'church at home' packs. Why not sign up for one or find out more?
We are a new church based in the Three Mills area of Stratford. Our passion for loving and serving our whole community comes from our faith in Jesus, giving us a vision for the renewal of all things.
We are an Anglican church, part of the Diocese of Chelmsford within the Church of England. We are a church plant from St Johns Stratford - a small team from there established this new regular worshipping community in Three Mills.
We are committed to Safeguarding Children, Young People, Victims / Perpetrators of Domestic Abuse and Vulnerable Adults. The leaders of Christchurch have adopted the Church of England's policies and best practice on safeguarding which may be found on the Church of England's website .
Our Church Safeguarding Officer is Patricia Larocque who may be contacted at church or by email at safeguarding@christchurchthreemills.co.uk
For more information about our GDPR policy click HERE.
We are family and believe in doing things together.
Might you have a part to play in the growth of this new church?
Might God be calling you to serve this community?
Do you live locally and want to get involved?
Get in touch, we would love to meet you!
St Johns is an incredible, diverse and welcoming church in the heart of Stratford with a vision to love Stratford and beyond.
They are our parent church and a small group from here were the team who worked to serve the Three Mills area and launched our new worshipping community here.
This amazing neighbourhood church in E3 is where much of our DNA comes from. They sent Dan and Ellie out in the summer of 2019 to start Christchurch Three Mills and are consistently inspiring and praying for us, cheering us on from just the other side of the A12.